Well I've just been playing Minecraft and had got a load of diamond and gold and obsidian. Then I fell down a hole and got covered in lava and died. So that kinda ruined it for me :(
Still ill dust myself off and start again. Well not entirely again ill just pick up where I left off if you get my meaning.
But while I was drowning my sorrows in tea i did have a bit of a thought about my blog.
I wonder if I can tag certain posts, or label certain posts so all the Library based ones are together, all the e-learning and I.T based ones are together etc etc. Or maybe I should title my blog entries to this end? Any ideas?
The information management part of me is telling me that one of these is a must. I will have to add this to my to-do list after I have finished with the layout and blog description, so expect another post sometime this weekend detailing my adventures.
Who'd have thought this would turn out to be so much fun!
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