Sunday, June 17, 2012


Well today I have been sorting out the layout of my blog. As you can see its slightly changed with a new picture of an owl and some books with my blog description and titled overlaid. I also have the blog description in text box below this as I am yet to decide which one looks the best. To be honest I am having difficulty with my colour scheme, trying to get my blog title more visible over my new picture, and then trying to get overlaid blog description more visible. This is a bit of a minor problem though, and I think given a bit more thought I'll have the colour scheme down.

Here is a picture of what it looks like at the minute though for incase i decide to change my entire colour scheme and layout in the futre. Itll be nice to have a reference of previous blog incarnations


I like the owl though!

I have also put a title on this particular blog entry, we will see if this fulfils my need for everything to be searchable and indexed!
I notice how my favicon at the top right is still the same as yesterdays, I had changed it. It must just take a few hours for it to be uploaded on to the most up to date blogger server.

Here's what it should look like. I've tried to make it a globe to reference my blog title of 'Phil's World'!

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